‘Stay safe’ at results parties police warn Mid Ulster students

With exam results looming, police in Mid Ulster are urging students to stay safe when planning post-results parties or nights out.

“We understand young people will want to go out and celebrate their results after all their hard work however we have found that sometimes high spirits can go a little too far with some overindulging in alcohol and getting into trouble,” a PSNI spokesperson said.

“We want to keep the number of alcohol-related incidents to a minimum and remind everyone that each of us is responsible for our own actions, even when under the influence of alcohol. A criminal record for assault or a public order offence can put a blight on future career prospects and could have even longer-term consequences, like affecting your eligibility to get a travel visa or gain entry to some countries.

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“Don’t get caught up in the moment and let yourself be persuaded to take drugs in the name of celebration. Not only are you putting your health and future at risk, but you also face the prospect of conviction. If you are with someone who falls ill contact emergency services immediately, even if you suspect that they have taken drugs. A call for help could save a life!

“We also want to make sure anyone planning on heading out to celebrate their results puts as much thought into how they are getting home at the end of night as they do into how they are getting there and what they are wearing. It’s a good idea to have your lift home arranged or taxi pre-booked before you go out.

“It’s also important that friends look out for each other. Be responsible and stick together.

“Finally, congratulations to everyone who has got their results and if you are going out to celebrate, have a great (and safe) night.”