River cruise to Kilrea

RIVER Bann Cruises is running its popular "Extended River Cruise" to and from Kilrea aboard the enclosed waterbus "The Lady Sandel" this Saturday.

Departing from Christie Park Jetty at 10am the vessel arrives in Kilrea at 1.30pm and departs again for Coleraine at 2pm to arrive back at Christie Park at around 5.30pm. Return coach transfers to your car from Kilrea and Coleraine are included in the one way fares.

Take this rare opportunity to see the magnificent River Bann and its stunning wildlife from the comfort of our vessel. Experience passing through several Victorian locks en-route whilst listening to the knowledgeable live commentary of qualified and highly experienced skipper Robert Anderson.

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“The Lady Sandel” features a snack bar and toilet facilities but passengers are permitted to bring along their own snacks and drinks if they wish.

Adult fare is 25, concession 18 and children 15. A family ticket for two adults and two children is 70. Space is limited in both directions so you are advised to book early by phoning 077 9878 6955 as soon as possible and indicating your preferred direction.

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