Fifths progress in the McCambley Cup after seeing off Larne

BANN Fifths travelled to Larne in the third round of the McCambley Cup hoping to continue their progression in the competition.

It was a frantic start to the match with both teams trying the difficult skills rather than just keeping possession and doing the basics.

Play was good on an individual basis from the Bann players but at this stage they were not playing as a unit. It was a good twenty minutes into the game before they started to threaten the home side’s line. Good ground made by Darren McAlinden was built on by scrum-half Jake Fisher who fed his backline, allowing Alan Gibson and Chris Nelmes to combine to take play up to the Larne “22”.

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From here Richard McElroy picked and drove on and slipped a pass to Gibson who went over the try-line but failed to ground the ball.