Protestants and Catholicslearn to get on

PROTESTANTS and Catholic workers and volunteers in Londonderry are being invited to take part in a number of events designed to make us get along better during the forthcoming Community Relations Week 2012 (May 14-19).

A number of free training courses and informal lunchtime dialogue events including Conflict Resolution, Equality and Good Relations training opportunities will take place during the week and will be free and open to all.

Sue Divin, Derry City Council Community Relations Officer said: “This programme represents an open opportunity for community workers, volunteers, employers and interested individuals to benefit from free training or to broaden their awareness of local Equality and Good relations issues through the informal lunchtime dialogue events.

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“We aim to ensure our training and dialogues are innovative, creative, relevant and interesting in their approach – no prior knowledge is needed, so why not sign up?”

Conflict Resolution and Mediation Training, facilitated by the Peace and Reconciliation Group, will run on Tuesday, May 15 from 9.30am to 4.30pm in the Shared Future Centre.

As an introductory course, it promises to be a lively free training day to equip participants with basic mediation and conflict resolution skills and awareness.

On the agenda also, are two dedicated Equality and Good Relations Training sessions.

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The ‘Equality and Good Relations Training for Employers’ in the City Hotel (9.30am – 1pm) on May 17 includes presentations from the Labour Relations Agency and The Equality Commission on current legislation and best practice for employers.

The ‘No Offence But…’ Half Day Equality and Good Relations Training is interactive and based on real case studies, the law and discussion as well as getting participants to chat with a panel from diverse backgrounds.

And for those who prefer a more informal discussion to help raise their awareness, the two lunchtime dialogue events (which include lunch!) might appeal.

‘Deep Breaths, Small Steps’, on at the Shared Future Centre, Irish Street, Wednesday, May 16 (1pm-3.30pm), is based around this year’s CR Week theme.

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