Council to consider lighting up buildings in support of Black Lives Matter campaign

Protests in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign.  
PICTURE BY STEPHEN DAVISONProtests in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign.  
Protests in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign. PICTURE BY STEPHEN DAVISON
Mid Ulster District Council will consider a proposal to light up Council buildings in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign at the next meeting of its policy and resources committee.

The matter was raised at Council’s monthly meeting, held both in the Burnavon Arts and Cultural centre and virtually, by SDLP group leader, Councillor Malachy Quinn.

Addressing the chamber, Cllr Quinn said Mid Ulster has close links to the civil rights movement in America and said he would propose that Council’s civic buildings are lit up in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign.

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In response to this, the Chair of the Council, Councillor Cathal Mallaghan said: “I am advised that the policy in place only supports charities that are registered here.

“Councillor Quinn would you be happy to accept this this item goes back to the policy and resources committee because if that policy requires an amendment that would be the best place for it to take place.”

Councillor Quinn then agreed with this assessment.

Independent Councillor Dan Kerr said he had no problem with the proposal.

“I would also like to propose the Mid Ulster District Council writes to the American embassy outlining our disgust at the murder of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks and we support the Black Lives Matter campaign.”

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Torrent Councillor Robert Colvin told the Chair that if this was to be opened up for discussion “we will be here to midnight”.

“There are many views and a whole lot of different perspectives on this, I was of the understanding that you had proposed, and it was agreed by the initial proposer that this would be discussed in the policy and resources committee and I would propose that is where it should be discussed.”

Independent Councillor Barry Monteith said he disagreed with the suggestion that Councillor Kerr’s proposal should be not be discussed at this meeting.

“I disagree with Councillor Colvin in his assessment of the second proposal, I don’t believe this matter needs to be discussed in the committee,” said Cllr Monteith.

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“There have been numerous examples of Council accepting proposals from the floor to write to various bodies throughout the meeting and I will second Councillor Kerr’s proposal.”

The Deputy Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Meta Graham said it was important to remember all lives matter.

“I don’t think it is just a matter of saying black lives matter, all lives matter and I think that statement in itself is quite discriminatory against everyone else,” said Cllr Graham.

“Colour shouldn’t come into it, all deaths are wrong in the way George Floyd died and it should never have been reported that a white police man killed a black man, it was a police man who killed another man.

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“Racism will never end if it is always reported as white and black. All colours matter and all lives matter and I think it should go back to committee and be discussed there.”

Dungannon DUP Councillor, Clement Cuthbertson said he felt Council was getting into things that do not necessarily concern the council.

“We were asked before that motions, and I know this is not a motion, has to have some relevance to the council area.

“I would be against singling out one death in particular, yes it was a cruel and awful death and it should never have happened but Chair, there has been lots of murder in this country and a terrorist attack in England since, we would be wrong to single out this one incident and forget other people.”

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Bringing the debate to a close the Chair, Councillor Cathla Mallaghan said: “Rather than making this issue any more divisive because it is quite a sensitive issue right across the Council area, it is within my discretion as Chair that I can write this letter I don’t need to take a vote on it, so I will do that on behalf of Council.

“The issue of lighting up the civic buildings will go to the policy and resources committee, to check if that policy needs to be amended to suit.”