Call for adequately funded mental health provision

Pam Cameron MLA.Pam Cameron MLA.
Pam Cameron MLA.
DUP South Antrim MLA Pam Cameron recently met with representatives of The Mental Health Policy Group (NI) to learn of their vision for coordinated and well-funded mental health services.

The Group comprises professional and voluntary organisations, including Action Mental Health, the British Psychological Society, Inspire and the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Commenting after last week’s meeting, Mrs Cameron said: “I welcomed the opportunity to meet the coalition to hear more about their vision for a consistent, coordinated and coherent approach to delivering mental health services.

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“As Vice-Chair I want to ensure that the Health Committee is an open door for those who with valuable ideas and experience in the delivery of this essential provision.

“One in four people living in Northern Ireland will suffer mental health problems. This can strike at any age and does not discriminate, affecting families and households in every community.

“It is imperative therefore that we have a well-staffed, adequately funded and easily accessible service which can enhance resilience, particularly at an early age, as well as provide high-quality and compassionate primary and secondary care for those diagnosed.”

Mrs Cameron has also called on the Health Minister Robin Swann to introduce three cycles of IVF funded by Government, and urged the introduction of a fertility awareness and education programme similar to that operated in Scotland.

The call was made in the Assembly last week.

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She said: “Like many, I was delighted that the New Stormont Deal document commits to the NI Executive providing three full cycles of IVF.

“For too long we in Northern Ireland have failed those on this journey. Across the rest of the UK, there remains huge inconsistencies in terms of what provision is given.

“I firmly believe that there is a moral duty on government to fully fund, full cycles of treatment and not to leave patients with sometimes huge private bills to fund themselves in order to complete a cycle of treatment. It is wholly appropriate the NICE guidelines are adopted entirely as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, the South Antrim MLA has called for greater protection for service animals with the introduction of ‘Finn’s Law’ in Northern Ireland.

She made the call in a NI Assembly debate brought about by a motion tabled by Mrs Cameron and her DUP colleague Alex Easton.