St Canice’s GAC summer camp a success

SAINT Canince’s GAC, Dungiven’s annual Summer Camp drew to a close under strong sunshine in O’Cahan’s Park this week.

Francis Dillon and Tony Connolly, youth officers for the Dungiven GAA club, issued a statement summarising the week’s activities and thanking everyone who helped with the highly successful event. The statement read: “Over 270 kids between the ages of four and 12 took part this year in the biggest camp for Dungiven so far - all but one seemed to come through the week relatively unscathed - poor Sean Kelly broke his wrist yesterday after a brave hand-block. Get well soon Sean.”

The Summer Camp aims to encourage children and young people to participate in Gaelic Football.

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The two youth officers added: “For those who regularly attend our normal coaching sessions during the year, our hope is that the week will have helped them develop their skills and become better players.

“For those who aren’t already part of our underage teams we thought of this this week as an opportunity to showcase what the GAA, and in particular St Canice’s, have to offer and to hopefully encourage them to get more involved in the future.”

They added that the Summer Camp was successful in promoting “St Canice’s GAC as a central focal point within our community – St Canice’s, like the GAA in general, belongs to the people and the community – there are so many people around Dungiven who are doing so much at all levels within the club to make St Canice’s an open environment where all families can feel welcome.

“Through the Summer Camp, and indeed through all activities throughout the year, we want the children to associate many of the positive experiences of their younger lives with St Canice’s and with the GAA. Based on the number of kids who have attended this week, and the number of laughs heard, it would appear that our efforts are proving to be successful.

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Mr Dillon and Mr Connolly added: “As the pitch falls silent now after a week packed with fun and laughter, all that remains are the obligatory thank you’s - First, and most importantly, thanks to all the kids who attended in such large numbers throughout the week – your willingness to participate fully in all the drills and matches helps make the Camp the success that it is.

“Special thanks also must go to St Canice’s GAC Committee for the use of O’Cahan Park and all the facilities, and for their complete support of our efforts with regards to running the Summer Camp every year.”

The Dungiven men also wished to thank: “Limavady Council for their consistent support and sponsorship of our Camp; Derry County Board for the provision of such super coaches – Shauna McCallion, Richard Ferris, Ashleen McCaul and Anthony Begley; St Canice’s Primary School (in particular Margaret Owens) for helping with the provision of equipment for the week; the Underage Managers, who take holidays and give up so much of their time for the Summer Camp and right throughout the year – U6 (Paschal & Ronan), U8 (Bronagh & Tommy), U10 (Brian) & U14 (Francis).