Cllr Cara McShane petitions Roads Service over improvements in Ballycastle

Cllr Cara McShane.Cllr Cara McShane.
Cllr Cara McShane.
Ballycastle Sinn Féin Councillor, Cara McShane, is carrying out a petition to give to Roads Service calling for improvements to visibility splays and pedestrian links in the Dunamallaght and Drumavoley vicinity of the town.

Cllr Cara McShane said: “The issue of visibility at the Dunamallaght/Glenshesk Road junction has been raised on numerous occasions at Council meetings and with the Roads Service directly, however there has been no proposed scheme to address this major road-safety concern. There is now an appetite to bring this campaign further and highlight the ongoing roads issues within the area. Drivers emerging from the Dunamallaght Road onto the Glenshesk Road effectively face a ‘blind’ junction and sadly it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident at this spot if visibility is not addressed.

“The petition also requests that Roads Service completes the footpath from Drumavoley Grange leading onto Dunamallaght Road. This has been highlighted by residents campaigning for the completion of the footpath along this roadway.”

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