Turning Ulster gardens red, white and blue for Twelfth

The Twelfth At Home pack which is available from Victor Stewart EntreprisesThe Twelfth At Home pack which is available from Victor Stewart Entreprises
The Twelfth At Home pack which is available from Victor Stewart Entreprises
Plans are in place to make sure those celebrating The Twelfth at home can throw a party fitting of the biggest day of the marching season.

Some bands and lodges will still be taking part in parades but those who would normally follow the parades have been asked by the Orange Order to stay at home to prevent any spread of the coronavirus on a day when streets are usually crowded with people.

For those wanted to get a flavour of the big day at home Twelfth packs have been made available, some at a cost and in some case items have been handed out free of charge.

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Greig Stewart, who runs a loyalist regalia shop in Lurgan that had previously belonged to his late father Victor, is one of the enterprises selling items for those who want to turn their gardens red, white and blue for the Twelfth.

Items that have been distributed in the Markethill DistrictItems that have been distributed in the Markethill District
Items that have been distributed in the Markethill District

His packs, which retail at £35, include Union Jack plates, cups and napkins, along with 10 metres of bunting, hand flags, balloons, cocktails sticks and a tablecloth – all adorned in the colours of the Union Flag.

He said: “One of the boys in our lodge (LOL 63) suggested that we should be doing a pack to allow people to decorate their garden for the Twelfth.

“A lot of the stuff we’ve sourced ourselves, then put the packs together. We’ve been flat out. People were ordering them before we’d even told them what was in it or what price it was.

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“We can send them out or people can get them from the shops.”

He commented: “We’ve sold a lot of bunting this year because of VE Day. We’ve been doing it in 10 metres lengths because it’s just being used in gardens.”

As well as being a member of LOL 63, Greig is also part of Craigavon Protestant Boys Flute Band, who have put in an application to parade through the Mourneview estate in Lurgan on the Eleventh, allowing people to watch from their homes.

Meanwhile in Markethill the arch and bunting is going up in the town as usual, and the district will look like it does every July.

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Quincey Dougan of Markethill District said people in the area were being helped to add some colour to their homes: “At Markethill District Orange we’ve distributed not for profit ‘Twelfth packs’ - they included 10m of bunting, a Union Flag or Orange Standard, and four hand waving Union Flags.

“Also flag holders for sill or wall were available. We have given out over a mile of bunting so far, almost all just in the Markethill district. Other areas are following suit with similar initiatives.”

He said: “We’ve also taken the opportunity to distribute explanatory leaflets on local Orangeism to every house in Markethill, Mountnorris, Glenanne and surrounding areas.”

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